
Tuesday 9 August 2016

Coin Purses

I used some of my last nuno felt pieces to make coin purses. This first one was from a kind of 'nuno-collage' made from pieces of silk scarf pieced together:

 This is the back:

I usually add an extra piece of felt inside the purses, so there are two sections. Sometimes, if the piece of felt I'm using is big enough, I add two pieces to make 3 sections like I did with this one:

 This was a kind of paisley print, but the rippling reminds me of splashes in water, this is how it looks closed:

I made the felt I used for this next piece a long time ago. If I make nuno sample pieces, I try to make them large enough to be turned into something, and pieces for coin purses are a good size. I couldn't find the right button for this one, so it didn't get finished for a long time. I love the fabric, it is from a viscose scarf:

 The fabric I used on this piece was the plaid border of a scarf, it looks a bit 'hairy' because I used a blend containing silk for the felt, and the silk really migrated through:

Sticking with the plaid theme, I made another plaid inspired piece of felt and used it to make a felt book cover:

 This is the other side:


  1. The coin purses are lovely and a useful size. I often don't take my 'main purse' out with me (it holds all my cards, driving licence and other useful info as well as dosh) so I have a coin purse as well.
    The plaid is fab - I like the colour combo and the way you have the contrast between the the dark squiggles and the lovely yellow.

    1. Thanks, Lyn :)
      Mine used to just be an 'occasional' purse too, but gradually became my main purse with all my store cards. Luckily it's big enough to take all those vouchers I forget to clear out!
